Contributions to the LC Tiger Fund go toward providing scholarships to Lewis & Clark graduating seniors who have overcome a significant obstacle in their lives and need financial help in continuing their education beyond high school.

The founders of the LC Tiger Fund have designated the INNOVIA Foundation in Spokane as the 501(c)(3) charitable organization to receive and manage contributions made to the LC Tiger Fund.

There are two ways to make your tax-deductible contribution to the LC Tiger Fund via the INNOVIA Foundation:

1. By Check: Please make your check out to "INNOVIA Foundation" and write LC Tiger Fund on the memo line to identify where your donation should go. The mailing address of the INNOVIA Foundation is 818 W Riverside Ave # 650, Spokane, WA 99201.

2. By Credit Card: By clicking on the link below you will be taken to the INNOVIA LC Tiger Fund Donation page. Once there, click on the orange button titled "Credit Card Donation". This will then take you to an "Online Donation" page that will collect your donor information and how you would like your donation recorded. Once that page is completed, you will be directed to a "Payment and Confirmation" page where you will enter your credit card information and confirm your donation.

(Note: Do not click on the "Give Now" button. That will take you back to the INNOVIA's home page and then require you to search for the LC Tiger Fund.)

Here is the link to take you to the INNOVIA LC Tiger Fund Donation Page

Once your contribution is received, The INNOVIA Foundation will send you a confirmation of your tax-deductible contribution via email.
Thank you for supporting this worthy cause.

Donating to the LC Tiger Fund
